Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sarah and Gustav

What a surprise! A homerun too! McCain sure caught everyone, especially "The Big O" off guard. After the "The One's" grand speech Thursday night, McCain sure took over the headlines. So that gives "The One" only 12 hours of headlines when the D&C show should of taken them through to the Sunday TV talk shows.

I don't recall a pending Republican convention with such energy since Reagan in 1976. From what I have read about Sarah, it sure sounds a lot like what Truman went through.

Now with Hurricane Gustav approaching and the cancellation of most of the events of the first day of the Elephant convention, especially not having Bush/Cheney show up, it is a bonus! The association of Bush with McCain and the alleged third Bush term won't be able to be contrasted live.

Let's hope the Hurricane does not hit with such impact. As of this writing, it is still estimated to hit as a Cat. 3. Still bad enough though.

Now to have Sarah show up for her acceptance speech with an M-16 with Arnold introducing her as the new Terminator.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Palin?

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was seen leaving Alaska in a private plane. Is she the McCain choice for VP?

a speech to the delegates

August 29, 2008
Op-Ed Columnist
A Speech to the Delegates


My fellow Americans, it is an honor to address the Democratic National Convention at this defining moment in history. We stand at a crossroads at a pivot point, near a fork in the road on the edge of a precipice in the midst of the most consequential election since last year’s “American Idol.”

One path before us leads to the past, and the extinction of the human race. The other path leads to the future, when we will all be dead. We must choose wisely.

We must close the book on the bleeding wounds of the old politics of division and sail our ship up a mountain of hope and plant our flag on the sunrise of a thousand tomorrows with an American promise that will never die! For this election isn’t about the past or the present, or even the pluperfect conditional. It’s about the future, and Barack Obama loves the future because that’s where all his accomplishments are.

We meet today to pass the torch to a new generation of Americans, a generation that came of age amidst iced chais and mocha strawberry Frappuccinos®, a generation with a historical memory that doesn’t extend back past Coke Zero.

We meet today to heal the divisions that have torn this country. For we are all one country and one American family, whether we are caring and thoughtful Democrats or hate-filled and war-crazed Republicans. We must bring together left and right, marinara and carbonara, John and Elizabeth Edwards. On United we stand, on US Airways, there’s a 25-minute delay.

Ladies and gentleman, I never expected to be speaking before you today. Like so many of our speakers at this convention, I come from a hard-working, middle-class family. I was leading a miserable little life, but, nevertheless, overcame great odds to live the American Dream. My great-grandfather fought in Patton’s Army, along with Barack Obama’s great-grand uncles’ fourth cousin once removed.

As a child, I was abandoned by my parents and lived with a colony of ants. We didn’t have much in the way of material possession, but we did have each other and the ability to carry far more than our own body weights. When I was young, I was temporarily paralyzed in a horrible anteater accident, but I never gave up my dream: the dream of speaking at a national political convention so my speech could be talked over by Wolf Blitzer and a gang of pundits.

And today we Democrats meet in Denver, a suburb of Boulder, a city whose motto is, “A Taxi? You Must be Dreaming.”

And in Denver, we Democrats showed America that we have cute daughters who will someday provide us with prestigious car-window stickers. We heard Hillary Clinton’s ringing endorsement of “the weak-looking thin guy who’s bound to lose.”

We heard from Joe Biden, whose 643 years in the Senate make him uniquely qualified to talk to the middle class, whose family has been riding the Acela and before that the Metroliner for generations, who has been given a lifetime ban from the quiet car and who is himself a verbal train wreck waiting to happen.

We got to know Barack and Michelle Obama, two tall, thin, rich, beautiful people who don’t perspire, but who nonetheless feel compassion for their squatter and smellier fellow citizens. We know that Barack could have gone to a prestigious law firm, like his big donors in the luxury boxes, but he chose to put his ego aside to become a professional politician, president of the United States and redeemer of the human race. We heard about his time as a community organizer, the three most fulfilling months of his life.

We were thrilled by his speech in front of the Greek columns, which were conscientiously recycled from the concert, “Yanni, Live at the Acropolis.” We were honored by his pledge, that if elected president, he will serve at least four months before running for higher office. We were moved by his campaign slogan, “Vote Obama: He’s better than you’ll ever be.” We were inspired by dozens of Democratic senators who declared their lifelong love of John McCain before denouncing him as a reactionary opportunist who would destroy the country.

No, this country cannot afford to elect John Bushmccain. Under Republican rule, locusts have stripped the land, adults wear crocs in public and M&M’s have lost their flavor. We must instead ride to the uplands of hope!

For as Barack Obama suggested Thursday night, wherever there is a president who needs to tap our natural-gas reserves, I’ll be there. Wherever there is a need for a capital-gains readjustment for targeted small businesses, I’ll be there. Wherever there is a president committed to direct diplomacy with nuclear proliferators, I’ll be there, too! God bless the Democrats, and God Bless America!

Copyright 2008 The New York Times Company


Obama of Assisi

Obama has arisen!


Well he has arisen in Denver of all places. Mile high city and mile high dreams. Last night we heard from the original master bs'er (William Jefferson "I am Impeached" Clinton), now we hear from his protegee. Barack Hussein Obama is truly a remarkable speaker. One of the best. He is a true master in delivering from the political pulpit. But when it comes to one on one debative formats, he tends to sputter and back peddle, as evidenced in the recent Saddleback Church appearances of both the "Big O" and "Juan McAmnesty" who showed a sharp witted performance. It seemed that McCain truly out did Obama at the Saddleback event.
Tonight Obama hit a line drive into the heavens at the stadium. Did the ball go over the wall for a homerun? I think a fan may of intercepted the ball from going out and maybe gave him a ground rule double. The Big O's spending plans will hit a brick wall due to the current budget deficits. The tax proposals he outlines would reduce the tax revenue by $2.95 trillion. (this figure provided by The Tax Policy Center) His windfall profits taxes on the big oil companies, which he proposes, is doomed to fail due to the timetable it would take to enact and the debate as to whether it would even get through Congress. If memory serves me, we actually had such a tax in the 80's, which resulted in the reliance of our use of foreign oil imports to increase. Lord Obama's $150 billion clean energy fund is dependent on uncertain financing. The Tax Policy Center has critiqued his health care plan as it leaves the number of estimated uninsured by 18 million in 2009, down from the current 45 million....but leaves millions still without health care. Better than nothing you say? Still not a universal plan per se. (Again based on data from the Tax Policy Center, a non-partisan group.) The "Big O" promises to end the Iraq war. Wonderful. But rushing the Iraqi forces before they are ready to assume a greater role of responsibility gives the insurgents in Iraq a clear timetable to sit out and wait to go back into Iraq full force.
The education plan sounded great too. (So does extra cheese on my cheeseburger.) There is only just so much money available with the budget he is proposing being onion skin thick. He claims to want to give the U.S. a fresh coat of makeup and repair our image overseas. But the U.S. has already changed many of their prior policies that has seen us chat with Iran and North Korea. Plus there is the Pakistan factor. With the prior President overthrown and forced to resign, the Big O would face certain resistance from the Pakistani authorities and likely cause us to pay a hefty price for violating their sovereignty. The Big O mentions curbing Russian aggression by using "tough, direct diplomacy." This does not offer any great chance of success. And as we have seen, all the promises by is cheap. Did the D&C convention accomplish anything? I think they did and had the party come a tad bit closer, even though both sides (political inlaws) don't love to hug each other in the receiving line. As for Obama's speech...while historic, fell flat in the sense that it promised and preached more than can be delivered, no matter how much you fill the preverbial offering plate. In Obama's case, the offering plate may of sprung a slight leak. Now we hear from that "gray haired dude..." Paris are you ready and on cue? The R&C Convention is next week, sponsored by Cialis and Budweiser.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

my guess on McCain's choice for VP

Timothy James Pawlenty (born November 27, 1960) is the 39th and current
Governor of Minnesota. In the Minnesota election in 2002 he was the Republican nominee. He was re-elected in 2006.

perhaps Obama should use these ads?

"The One" seems worried.....

Yes folks, after Hilliary's first 2012 campaign speech on Tuesday night, after Biden bit the bullet and praised the glories of "the One", despite his incredible change of mind on the qualifications of Barack Hussein Obama to be his presidential political busboy, there is continued reason for "the One." Is this campaign ready to implode like one of former tank commander Mike Dukakis? One political columnist, Jon Keller sums it up this way. "But every speech I’ve heard or read so far has one thing in common – they offer virtual baby talk on the major issues of the day. What is the right thing to do about soaring energy costs, in the short and long term? With the lone exception of Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer, who alluded to something called coal gasification, I haven’t heard a specific fresh idea yet. What is the right way forward on affordable housing? All I’ve heard are vows to make sure every American can own a home to go with the chicken in their pot, even though we’ve just learned the painful lesson that not every American can afford to finance a home. How do we break the stranglehold of reform-averse unions over failing public schools? Apparently, there isn’t a major Democrat in the building willing to risk angering the union delegates by talking about charter schools and choice. It’s pathetic and sad. All we get are self-aggrandizing personal stories designed to show us what saints these power-seekers are, vague, insulting promises of the land of milk and honey that awaits a partisan victory, cheap trash-talking of the opposition. "

Days 2 and 3 of the D&C

The new generation of B.S. artists admiring the old school B.S. artists.

While waiting for the Obama Greek temple is finished being built for the "One" to speak tomorrow night....some thoughts...

As the curtain closes on "the Big C"...or does it? I think we saw the beginning of the "Hil 2012 campaign. It was indeed touching and nauseating to see the Academy Award winning performance of Bill mouthing the "I love you, I love you forever and ever". How many lady friends do you think he has told that line to in the past few years? I did like how she didn't wear the same blue dress that someone named Monica wore.

The expert shoe sales men, formerly known as, Bill "I did not have sexual relations with that woman...Miss.Lewinsky, could not make the case for "the One." He threw some nice change up pitches at the crowd but certainly never got past first base on the kiss up speech.

Now we wait for Mile High Stadium show. Do you think there will be harps?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Day One of the D&C

Mrs. O's speech fell flat. She used the same old Democratic blue print and it was boring. While her passion for her family was touching, it just does not deliver the goods. Chris Wallace from Fox said that it was a "wasted night." James Carville of CNN had this to say....
"Well if this party has a message it has done a hell of a job of hiding it tonight I promise you that," Carville said. He went on to say "...George W. Bush, you haven't heard any of this," said Carville. "I mean we are a country that's borderline recession, 85% 80% wrong track country, people, health care, energy, I haven't heard anything about gas prices, I mean maybe we are going to look better Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday but right now like I say we are playing hide the message pretty good." Anderson Cooper chimed in, "David Gergen said this a short time ago, that in the first two hours what is the message?"
Carville repiled, "And you know what? David didn't get to where he was in life because he's stupid. He was exactly right. I look at this and I am about to jump out of my chair...There's no message coming out of here, there is no sense that the party has a sense of urgency, and we've only got four nights this is 25% of the whole thing."

This was one pic that didn't make the video tribute to the felon, Ted Kennedy. I give him credit for showing up at the convention. I guess poor ole Ted read about the cat fights between the Obama and Clinton parties and thought an ole cougar could calm the waters. But from what I read and hear the backroom is quite chilly.

Monday, August 25, 2008

appearing tonight at the D&C convention

Highlighting the D&C convention speaker list tonight is Ted "Chivas Regal" Kennedy and Michelle "like my fro" Obama.

Party united?

They say a picture tells a thousand words.
Now..where is Bill?

some interesting quotes from Biden's book....

"How do you take your coffee?"

I ran across some interesting quotes from Biden's 2007 book, "Promises to Keep"...actually an autobiography.

page 130... "In 1976, I became the first elected official outside George to endorse Jimmy Carter for President."

page 133 "Jimmy Carter was a man of decency and a man of principle, but it wasn't enough. That's the first time I realized that on-the-job training for a president can be a dangerous thing."

Your honor, the prosecution rests......(for now)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

comments and thoughts over O-Biden, or is he "Biden" time?

Possible McCain choice for VP?

Is this Obama's foreign policy plan? (before Biden)

When introducing his running mate, Obama said, "So let me introduce to you the next president - the next vice president of the US of America, Joe Biden."

In many ways...Biden is a new Dick Cheney...brings experience and has a mouth that runs....and runs and runs...yes he talks too much...

An interesting statistic....
The majority of the white Catholic vote always goes with the Presidential winner. As of today, McCain is beating Obama among White Catholics by stunning double digits, 12%.

Only half of the Hilliary Clinton (who?) voters support "The One." One in five of those supporters have stated outright that they will vote for McCain. (Wouldn't it be a hoot if Obama hired Rove.) If these numbers remain even slightly the same, Obama cannot win.

As the Electoral Map sits today - observing both versions on CNN and FOX (MSNBC does not even figure in anything as professional wrestling gets higher ratings than MessNBC) and is most likely to remain the same - if McCain wins Michigan he wins the election. (A good reason to select Romney as he is a shoe-in for Michigan.) More than any candidate in either party, and Michigan Democrats have already admitted this...Romney is in a very strong position to deliver Michigan for McCain.

One columnist made a very startling statement: "In forty years, no Dem has emerged from their national party convention with less than a 16 (and as high as 30) point bounce."

Some headlines that caught my eye...

Sunday Boston Globe Page 1 Headline: "Foreign Policy got Biden VP nod"
Sunday New York Times Page 1 Headline: "Obama Selects Biden, Adding Foreign Policy Expertise"

I interpret that as saying that Obama has no foreign policy experience and is unqualified to be President and Commander-in-Chief, especially in this time of war and international strife. Obama's choice of Biden both proves and admits what many have been saying for months...that Obama needs to hire a "consultant" for the defense of the United States.

National Public Radio, (National Propoganda Radio) Saturday, Aug 23, 4:00pm "Barack Obama picked Sen Joe Biden to provide foreign policy experience some say Obama lacks." Really?

A great quote from a Boston radio talk show host, Jay Severin...
"Obama's foreign policy experience being entirely limited to twice having breakfasted in an International House of Pancakes, not SOME but ALL rational persons know this; and they do not SAY it but OBSERVE the FACT Obama has NO FOREIGN POLICY EXPERIENCE."
"Will Hillary drop some bomb on Yo-Bomba in Denver?" asks Michelle Malkin. Imagine Hilliary trying to destroy Obama's chances in November and make herself the leading Democrat candidate in 2012. Many say she has been plotting her strategy for weeks and maybe even months. (read my prior post on the disasterous Hiliary Rodham-Clinton-Lewinsky campaign.) Imagine Hiliary endorsing McCain on the convention floor!

ABC's George Stephanopoulos had John McCain's houses issue on his agenda today when his real estate holdings were discussed with every guest. What Stephanopoulos may not have expected was Time's Mark Halperin claiming that "this is going to end up being one of the worst moments in the entire campaign for one of the candidates, but it's Barack Obama."
Adding insult to injury, much to Democrat strategist Donna Brazile's dismay, Halperin saw the Obama campaign's attack on McCain not knowing how many houses he owns as opening the door for the Arizona senator to bring up the Illinois senator's connections to Tony Rezko, Reverend Wright, and William Ayers. (I like my steak medium rare.)

"Now that Barack Obama has chosen Joe Biden to be his running mate, it will be interesting to see how some journalists will distance themselves from their own scathing opinions of Biden in the past. One such case is that of Jonathan Chait, The New Republic editor, who was very downbeat on Biden in a Los Angeles Times article published on February 4, 2007. Of course, back then it was "safe" to be honest about Joe Biden since it looked like his presidential bid was going nowhere. The very title of Chait's article, "Joe Biden’s just a barrel of gaffes," explains the problems the Obama campaign is going to have with the new vice-presidential pick. Back then Chait was very blunt about Biden's problems as a candidate:
...Biden’s charming cluelessness was on display in a recent ABC news interview. The famously verbose senator was asked to state in 25 words or less why Democrats should nominate him. His response was 45 words. I suppose that, by Biden’s standards, coming in at just under twice his allotted length counts as a victory of sorts. "
Let the Games begin....and to think I get to do it all over again with the McCain convention...

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Now that Obama has chosen Biden, they can now round up the 35,000 lobbyists that "the big O" has campaigned that he would get rid of in Washington D&C. So, I have reserved Pods under the Obama campaign name.
Think that will be enough?

so its O-Biden.....(some of my favorite Biden quotes)

OK so it is Biden. I had thought after the harsh comments he made to "the Great One" in a few debates, that it would be Bayh. I would of loved that ticket... O-Bayh. (oh bye....ok forget it.)
Anyway, now let me share with you some of my favorite Biden quotes of late...

"I've had a great relationship [with Indian Americans]," Biden said. "In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking."

Biden calling Obama "articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy"

Biden dropped out of the Democratic Presidential race September 1988 after admitting that he had used speeches by Neil Kinnock, Britain's Labor Party leader and other politicians without attribution, and after published reports that he had plagiarized while in law school.

Biden, who met Mr. Kinnock at the House of Commons, said the Welsh politician ''did not give me any more ideas for speeches, nor I him.''

Biden, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was on a two-day visit of Britain as part of a tour to consult allies on the treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union banning intermediate-range nuclear missiles.

One of the most overlooked episodes during the 1987 collapse of Biden's campaign was footage taken by C-Span in which Biden, in response to a question about where he went to law school and what sort of grades he received, delivered this classic line: "I think I have a much higher IQ than you do."

During the 2006 confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, the Washington Post's Dana Milbank wrote this of his performance:

"Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr., in his first 12 minutes of questioning the nominee, managed to get off only one question. Instead, during his 30-minute round of questioning, Biden spoke about his own Irish American roots, his "Grandfather Finnegan," his son's application to Princeton (he attended the University of Pennsylvania instead, Biden said), a speech the senator gave on the Princeton campus, the fact that Biden is "not a Princeton fan," and his views on the eyeglasses of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)."

In one of the best moments in an unending series of Democratic debates, Biden was asked by moderator Brian Williams whether he possessed the "discipline" to be the leader of the free world. Biden's simple response -- "yes"

John McCain has now released a new commercial about good 'ole Joe Biden.

Please pay particular attention to the "Big O's" facial expressions when Biden makes his comments. Watch the Obama chin raise 4 degrees, ok maybe 10 degrees North to Heaven...

Ads by Google

Friday, August 22, 2008

my guess on the Obama ticket....

Evan Bayh, junior Senator from Indiana.....
Why? A considered "centrist" he'd be the balance on the ticket from Obama's left leaning thinking...
Let's see if I am right.....

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Democrats just lost the Presidency this week

from Neil Cavuto, Fox News and Managing Editor Fox Business Channel

"It's August.

It's early.

But for Democrats, it's over.

Over. Done. Fini.

At the risk of sounding like I've snapped...allow me this snap judgment.

The Democrats have just lost the presidency this week.

For them, a horrible week.

So discombobulated. So inconsistently communicated and messaged, that they've lost their message.

And I think, this election too.

Because here's the deal as we end this week, my friends.

The Dems...are done.

I know. Laugh all you want. And I will conveniently destroy this message in the event I'm wrong.

But here's why I don't think I am.

During this crucial defining period that brought a Russian bear out of hibernation and a befuddled Nancy Pelosi into drilling reality...allow me to drill home this point.

Democrats lost a lot of mojo this week, their only saving grace that it's an August week.

I don't think that will save them.

Not when Russia threatens a new Cold War and the best their presumptive nominee can do is offer hope warring parties could put aside their hostilities...

While his opponent calls Russia what it clearly was and is: a bully. And a bully that must be dealt with.

And if his presidential metal wasn't tested enough...Barack Obama caves to Hillary Clinton and allows a roll call vote. He's doing it for all good and decent reasons. But nothing good or decent will come of it....her supporters still don't flip over him, no matter what he does to accommodate them.

He's given Hillary a prime time speech. Bill a prime time speech. Chelsea a prime time speech. Is Sox the Cat still around?

My god, who won this damn thing? Show some backbone, man!

Then in the middle of the week Obama's economic team comes out with this grand explanation of a tax cut package that reminds all again...not of cuts promised for the middle class...but serious hikes for those who don't much consider themselves above middle class.

And charges again that these new numbers "still" don't add up as we explored on this very show.

On the very same week Nancy Pelosi read the furor among her own members and decided to backtrack on that no-drilling vote thing.

Not good things for a party that said it would lead the charge.

It shouldn't be this way...with the slowing economy, democrats should be running away.

But they look weak on a military crisis.

Inconsistent on an economic crisis.

And impotent on their own brewing political convention crisis.

Things change. Tides ebb and flow.

But I think we will look back to this week in August as the time the party that had it all in the bag...just puked in it."

meanwhile another possible Obama running mate....

Yup you read it here first. (or second) Kerry brings more money and name recognition to the table. Many do like the comeback kid role too. Also, Kerry has foreign relations experience being a veteran and long time member of the Senate Foreign Relations committee. Plus in 2004 Kerry did draw the most votes of any Democrat running for President. But look at this pic. The love and admiration??

How about the foul look on The Big O's face. And look, Mr.Kerry's botox shots needs a reboot. Looks like eye brow one is down four degrees from the other. And I can't wait for Teresa Heinz Kerry to make another dramatic convention speech.

some Friday funnies to end the week....

< < Reminiscent of the good ole days of the 2004 Election Season.....minus the windsufing flip flopping.....

in the tradition of Michael Dukakis....(Tank Obama to the rescue..)

Meanwhile Al "Christ the Lord" Gore is back pitching the end if we won't recycle that 2 liter bottle of Diet Coke....
too many carbon emissions? Stay away from the buffet table Al. Your post dining emissions are enough to fog up the Beijing air...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

While on vacation in Hawaii........

While Lord Obama vacations in Hawaii.....(wonder how he can afford that trip...thanks Mr. Rezko!) a look at his new Energy Policy and his new ad aimed at voters in Province town, Massachusetts and San Francisco, California...

Introducing the Democratic Dream team.....

Introducing...the Pelosi/Sheehan show. What a way to open the convention! You can see in the pic the closeness and mutual love and understanding they share. The smiles and expressions of love, especially on Ms. Sheehan's face are symbolic of the unity of the Democratic party.

a Kennedy Family honor....

An ole friend, Chris Hogan, sent me a great email yesterday. I'll share below.

Officials at Massachusetts Maritime Academy are expected to announce plans today to change the name of the school's cadet training ship to honor the Kennedy family."We've got five Kennedy's here who have truly been inspiring public leaders and public servants to the people of Cape Cod," said Admiral Rick Gurnon, president of the school in Buzzards Bay.He said that US Representative William D. Delahunt proposed the idea to him about a month ago, partly to honor Senator Edward M. Kennedy.

Howie Carr will be using this in many columns I'm sure. There are so many jokes here and so little time but I have to throw in my two cents. First, with the Kennedy history of operating boats (pt 109), improvised boats (Delmont 88), automobiles (Patches and Joe II) and planes ( Joe jr. and JFK jr), would you feel safe being on a boat named after such a hexed family ? Also, if the boat is in trouble and taking on water, does it wait ten hours to send out a distress signal?

Monday, August 11, 2008

quote of the day..........

Quoted by Jimmy Myers, Sunday afternoon talk show host on 96.9 FM Talk, WTKK.
"This country is not worthy of Obama..."
I say based on what I have started to read in "The Obama Nation" by Jerome R. Corsi that may corrected to read "Obama is not worthy of this country..."

Friday, August 08, 2008

a serious error in judgment

What is it with Democratic presidential candidates? Between Jackson, Clinton, Kerry (he was caught holding hands with Edwards, remember?) and others, including some Grand Ole Party, aka GOP, there sure seem to be plenty of errors in judgment.
Now the wife has cancer but had her cancer in remission when Mr. Edwards (now known as "Buzz", see new pic) banged on Ms. Hunter's door, pardon the pun.
His political days over, perhaps he can now host a new CNN program, called "Cheaters", hosted by "Buzz" Edwards, Bill "Cigar Afficiano" Clinton, and John "Heinz" Kerry...Only trouble is...this takes all the thunder out of the John Edwards/Paris Hilton ticket...

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Hilliary's not given up yet.....??

Click out and/or check the link to the video below. (if you can stand the 5 minutes of b.s)

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

from the Washington Post February 24, 2005

The Senator's Humble Beginning
Rising Star Barack Obama Is Resolutely Down to Earth

By Mark Leibovich
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, February 24, 2005; Page C01

There's nothing exotic or complicated about how phenoms are made in Washington, and, more to the point, how they are broken.

"Andy Warhol said we all get our 15 minutes of fame," says Barack Obama. "I've already had an hour and a half. I mean, I'm so overexposed, I'm making Paris Hilton look like a recluse."

Happy Birthday to "The One"

Unfortunately "The Big O's" birthday is one day shy of mine. Otherwise I am sure he would of invited me to his $5Million fundraiser yesterday, and given me my $1000 fuel subsidy and perhaps a lap dance from his wife. (She does have the booty to boogie, you have to admit.)

But the reason for today's blog entry is this: Take a look at the yellow tape. Ya see behind the yellow tape are regular folk. (OK, maybe not so regular as they adore the toilet paper Obama wipes with, but bear with me here..)
The "regular" folk are just that. "Regular." On the other side of that yellow tape are the big spenders, rich folk, etc. who have an agenda. (AKA they want somethin for somethin.) These are the folks who shelled out $28,000 to have a picture taken with the "One" (I still call him the "Big O and Hilliary, (who?) the Big C)
These folks are what Obama needs and wants. The ones behind the tape in Walmart clothing are backdrop and make for a great picture. Don't ya think?

So instead of beating the drum on all the changes in "The Big O's" positions on issues, I thought I'd share my thought on this one pic and how I "seen" it...

Saturday, August 02, 2008

The One....

Yes it has been a while since I posted on this blog. I wanted to wait and let all the "bs" fall through the cracks. Now it seems to be re-bubbling up.
"The One" has promised free whipped cream in all hot chocolate from now but is now waffling...and on drilling for oil of all things.
The Dems calls an end to Congress for the Summer and the Repubs continue on with no lights, no camera. Will anything appear on YouTube?

I am delighted to see the back and forth..especially from Juan McAmnesty/aka John McCain. I hope it isn't too late. I think it Obama's election to lose and McCain's to help him lose it. (Although I am all set with seeing Britney and/or Paris Hilton is another ad. May I suggest Monika Lewinsky? Before anything I want to have a three way pro wrestling steel cage match with Obama, Rev. Jackson (aka father of a gal out of wedlock) and Rev. Sharpton (the felon).
I am sure the "n" words would fly.

How is it that President Bush has higher ratings than the Democratically controlled Congress?

How will Oliver Stone's movie about George W do weeks before the election?

Will McCain go to the podium in full military gear and repeat the same..."reporting for duty.."

We have not heard a peep from Hilliary. Or for Bill. The silence is interesting.

Now the Sunday talk shows flash up with short pieces on potential vice Presidential running mates. While I had once thought this was just a bread and butter type of thing, it is actually quite important, in wake of McCain stating that he would be in one term. My choice for McCain is Romney. He has the financing, would make a great President and can make more verbal fights to the Obama campaign. He's polished and has no issues in his family. But who knows....maybe Obama will choose Ray Nagin, the Mayor of New Orleans...What the heck happend to him anyway?

Lots happening and I am back in blog land....hope you enjoy. I shall try to blog at least once a week.