Monday, April 07, 2008

she has a solution.....

With that interested fixed gaze, you can bet ole Hill's got things all in perspective. Perhaps not.
This past week another hearing brought oil company executives before the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming, chaired by Ed "allegedly from Massachusetts but seldom seen except when a TV camera is around" Markey.
Yes another hearing...after the gasoline market was investigated by the Federal Trade Commission, U.S. State Attorney's General, and others...coming to the conclusion each and every time...there is no price fixing. The market works. The complaint: profits for oil companies are too high. Actually, profits are 7.6% of sales, less than 9.6% margin achieved by non-automotive manufacturing. Oil is still the premier product of international trade. We import about 56 percent for our use. As the U.S. dollar goes down, the price goes up as producers want to keep their purchasing power even if demand dosen't increase. China has rattled the market with substantial demand. There is some good in these high prices. Oil company profits stimulate production and provide funds for huge investments that will be needed to provide future supplies. Not to worry though...ole Hill and/or Barack will have the government bail us all out with high test.

on a slow news day on a Friday afternoon.....

Bonnie and Clyde Clinton released all their promised tax returns. Not bad for a post disgraced White House run.....
cigar-gate, Whitewater-gate, travel-gate,
and now speech-gate....making them the 14,500 richest families (dysfunctional and all) in the good ole U.S. of A.$$
The Barack Hussein Obama campaign had been after the Big C to release these numbers for quite some time now. Now the fun begins....
where the donations came for Wild Bill's Presidential library...$165 Million...and who them donors is...

a too easy target

The list of all the Opec nations and when they became part of the pact....

the real deal......

We found a teleprompter note for Barack Hussein Obama to use on his next television appearance.

I have a dream............

or was it "I have a scheme..."

the antidote to 'regular' TV

While reading a local editorial rag I came across an interesting "Letter to the Editor." Liberal Herb states that since the Heritage Foundation recently stated that is was time for PBS to "leave home" comes the baggage associated with such less government regulation.....uninspected meat, contaminated vegetables, safety standards in pharmaceuticals and an economy in recession (allegedly). The complaint: that the lastest brainstorm is to pull the plug on PBS and NPR. I see no need to "pull the plug". I do see the need for them to be on their own and run as a non-profit business without any government dollars. Ratings for many NPR stations are quite high. They could easily earn enough dollars in commercial dollars to keep the venture profitable. If not, then the government should also contribute to Fox News and the Drudge Report. Just my two cents....