One columnist penned this mess correctly...a charge into chaos.
Who to blame? Bush, Frank, Pelosi? My pick of the day...

Let me be "Frank." This zealot refuses to admit to his own blame to the meltdown of the Fannie and Freddie show. I quote “in 2003, nobody that I knew of foresaw the crisis of subprime lending” please...........
The b.s. of lenders being "subprime" back in the early 90's was there...and there sure were predatory in many vulnerable communities.
Both parties have their "spin.." Conservatives don't seem to give a hoot about the man on "Main Street" (like that catch all phrase of late)...and how the market doesn't seem to want to police itself...Liberals just can't face the rhetoric b.s about covering up their own greed, ignorance of basic economics (Thomas Sewell where are you?) and the drive for power.
Then we top off the event with Madam Pelosi's partisan b.s. rant denying what is looking her in the face (but with her liberal San Fran blinders), she can't see.
Now we have a two day break for the Jewish Holiday and then back to the b.s.
Oh..and then the debate between Sarah and Joey....(or did we forget about them?)