P.I.D.E. (President I Didn't Elect) Barack Hussein Obama, Democrat and Teleprompter King, fresh from his smoky treat behind a White House shrub, better be ready to re-light up after I read a recent Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll. In the poll, Obama's political popularity has eroded quite noticeably amongst independents in recent weeks.
While his first real job approval rating among most American's slipped from 61 to 56 percent, (which is about the norm in a President's first term), his first real job approval rating fell to 45% from 60% in April amongst independent voters.
Democrat Peter Hart and Republican Bill McInturff, directors of the Wall Street Journal (owned by Fox News, by the way)/NBC News poll, write in their analysis of the findings that these results are "much more critical evaluation by these voters of President Obama"
This drop just reiterates my prior post about major concerns about government spending on the U.S. American Express Card (don't leave Chicago without it).
The Wall Street Journal adds that "The share of independents who say Mr. Obama is a liberal has risen to a substantial 64% from 46% two months ago. A large portion of them actually classify him as "very liberal." That's a particular problem because independents tend to view themselves as center-right -- 78% call themselves moderate or conservative -- so they see a president moving to the left of where they are."
"This is a clear and important danger for him," says Mr. Hart, the Democratic pollster. Independents, he adds, don't seem to worry so much that Mr. Obama is trying to tackle too many issues, but rather that "this administration is leaning much more left than they expected" as he handles those issues."
As I write this, a fresh coat of Teflon is being applied to the Obama armor.
(Don't worry about the cost, he charged it.)