Possible McCain choice for VP?
Is this Obama's foreign policy plan? (before Biden)

When introducing his running mate, Obama said, "So let me introduce to you the next president - the next vice president of the US of America, Joe Biden."
In many ways...Biden is a new Dick Cheney...brings experience and has a mouth that runs....and runs and runs...yes he talks too much...
An interesting statistic....
The majority of the white Catholic vote always goes with the Presidential winner. As of today, McCain is beating Obama among White Catholics by stunning double digits, 12%.
The majority of the white Catholic vote always goes with the Presidential winner. As of today, McCain is beating Obama among White Catholics by stunning double digits, 12%.
Only half of the Hilliary Clinton (who?) voters support "The One." One in five of those supporters have stated outright that they will vote for McCain. (Wouldn't it be a hoot if Obama hired Rove.) If these numbers remain even slightly the same, Obama cannot win.
As the Electoral Map sits today - observing both versions on CNN and FOX (MSNBC does not even figure in anything as professional wrestling gets higher ratings than MessNBC) and is most likely to remain the same - if McCain wins Michigan he wins the election. (A good reason to select Romney as he is a shoe-in for Michigan.) More than any candidate in either party, and Michigan Democrats have already admitted this...Romney is in a very strong position to deliver Michigan for McCain.
One columnist made a very startling statement: "In forty years, no Dem has emerged from their national party convention with less than a 16 (and as high as 30) point bounce."
Some headlines that caught my eye...
Sunday Boston Globe Page 1 Headline: "Foreign Policy got Biden VP nod"
Sunday New York Times Page 1 Headline: "Obama Selects Biden, Adding Foreign Policy Expertise"
I interpret that as saying that Obama has no foreign policy experience and is unqualified to be President and Commander-in-Chief, especially in this time of war and international strife. Obama's choice of Biden both proves and admits what many have been saying for months...that Obama needs to hire a "consultant" for the defense of the United States.
National Public Radio, (National Propoganda Radio) Saturday, Aug 23, 4:00pm "Barack Obama picked Sen Joe Biden to provide foreign policy experience some say Obama lacks." Really?
A great quote from a Boston radio talk show host, Jay Severin...
"Obama's foreign policy experience being entirely limited to twice having breakfasted in an International House of Pancakes, not SOME but ALL rational persons know this; and they do not SAY it but OBSERVE the FACT Obama has NO FOREIGN POLICY EXPERIENCE."
"Will Hillary drop some bomb on Yo-Bomba in Denver?" asks Michelle Malkin. Imagine Hilliary trying to destroy Obama's chances in November and make herself the leading Democrat candidate in 2012. Many say she has been plotting her strategy for weeks and maybe even months. (read my prior post on the disasterous Hiliary Rodham-Clinton-Lewinsky campaign.) Imagine Hiliary endorsing McCain on the convention floor!
ABC's George Stephanopoulos had John McCain's houses issue on his agenda today when his real estate holdings were discussed with every guest. What Stephanopoulos may not have expected was Time's Mark Halperin claiming that "this is going to end up being one of the worst moments in the entire campaign for one of the candidates, but it's Barack Obama."
Adding insult to injury, much to Democrat strategist Donna Brazile's dismay, Halperin saw the Obama campaign's attack on McCain not knowing how many houses he owns as opening the door for the Arizona senator to bring up the Illinois senator's connections to Tony Rezko, Reverend Wright, and William Ayers. (I like my steak medium rare.)
Adding insult to injury, much to Democrat strategist Donna Brazile's dismay, Halperin saw the Obama campaign's attack on McCain not knowing how many houses he owns as opening the door for the Arizona senator to bring up the Illinois senator's connections to Tony Rezko, Reverend Wright, and William Ayers. (I like my steak medium rare.)
"Now that Barack Obama has chosen Joe Biden to be his running mate, it will be interesting to see how some journalists will distance themselves from their own scathing opinions of Biden in the past. One such case is that of Jonathan Chait, The New Republic editor, who was very downbeat on Biden in a Los Angeles Times article published on February 4, 2007. Of course, back then it was "safe" to be honest about Joe Biden since it looked like his presidential bid was going nowhere. The very title of Chait's article, "Joe Biden’s just a barrel of gaffes," explains the problems the Obama campaign is going to have with the new vice-presidential pick. Back then Chait was very blunt about Biden's problems as a candidate:
...Biden’s charming cluelessness was on display in a recent ABC news interview. The famously verbose senator was asked to state in 25 words or less why Democrats should nominate him. His response was 45 words. I suppose that, by Biden’s standards, coming in at just under twice his allotted length counts as a victory of sorts. "
...Biden’s charming cluelessness was on display in a recent ABC news interview. The famously verbose senator was asked to state in 25 words or less why Democrats should nominate him. His response was 45 words. I suppose that, by Biden’s standards, coming in at just under twice his allotted length counts as a victory of sorts. "
Let the Games begin....and to think I get to do it all over again with the McCain convention...