Well well I am back. I took a time out to absorb all the b.s. about the Obama mania.
Yes, the liberal media will give this vision from Chicago all the wiggle room in the world. Or, maybe Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi will pout. Oh, forgot about Barbara Boxer.
George H.W. Bush, Pres 41 made a comment in a recent interview that if you disagreed with B.Hussein Obama, P.I.D.E. (President I Didn't Elect) that I was to shut up and let him settle in. Give him a chance. Well 41, all I have to say is...if 1 plus 1 doesn't add up to 2, or in B.Hussein's case, 500, how long do you wait in the wings before one comments?
The last diss to President Bush was B.Hussein going out to dinner at the same time Bush gave his farewell address. Perhaps Mr. Bush should excuse himself at the time B. Hussein takes the oath? Or maybe he can fall asleep like Bill Clinton did at the Reagan funeral?
The only thing I can enjoy about this upcoming liberal disaster is to be able to say..."see." Even though Obama (oops I said his name) has had some centrist appointments, I still see shadows in the corner. (that isn't a "pc" term is it?
Where the heck as Biden been? The poor guy gets shipped out to Afghanistan. I did see in a pic that his hair still was appropriately coifed.
One funny of this week is Obama's appointment for Treasury Secretary...a tax cheat.
How wonderful.
But Hilliary is a go for Secretary of State. Did she look a bit "aged" at her confirmation hearing? Is this another Madeline Albright in the making?
Oh my!