Mrs. O's speech fell flat. She used the same old Democratic blue print and it was boring. While her passion for her family was touching, it just does not deliver the goods. Chris Wallace from Fox said that it was a "wasted night." James Carville of CNN had this to say....
"Well if this party has a message it has done a hell of a job of hiding it tonight I promise you that," Carville said. He went on to say "...George W. Bush, you haven't heard any of this," said Carville. "I mean we are a country that's borderline recession, 85% 80% wrong track country, people, health care, energy, I haven't heard anything about gas prices, I mean maybe we are going to look better Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday but right now like I say we are playing hide the message pretty good." Anderson Cooper chimed in, "David Gergen said this a short time ago, that in the first two hours what is the message?"
Carville repiled, "And you know what? David didn't get to where he was in life because he's stupid. He was exactly right. I look at this and I am about to jump out of my chair...There's no message coming out of here, there is no sense that the party has a sense of urgency, and we've only got four nights this is 25% of the whole thing."

This was one pic that didn't make the video tribute to the felon, Ted Kennedy. I give him credit for showing up at the convention. I guess poor ole Ted read about the cat fights between the Obama and Clinton parties and thought an ole cougar could calm the waters. But from what I read and hear the backroom is quite chilly.