Seems like all the b.s that the Big O has been spewing over the past 10 months or so if finally catching up to him.
There is so much talk about the Big O inheriting the worst economy since the 30's. This came right after the Big O responded to the news story about the deficit hitting $1.4 trillion. Rewind two or three months beforehand. The Big O and his spin team sprinted across the finish line with a $787 Billion stimulus bill. They cried that it was needed now claiming that it would keep unemployment under 8%. When unemployment hit 9.5% in June, The Big O's co-spinner, Bad Mouth Biden said that "we misread how bad the economy was." I guess it how you consider was was.
Now the Big O is deflecting the economy issue with the health insurance issue. This also helps block making a decision on troop increases in Afghanistan. So what does The Big O do to help ease the pain of making a decision? He parties! Last night a huge tent was set up on the South Lawn to hear Sheila E. What will the next distraction be? I can't decide....