I am back from a self imposed silence due to being overcome with P.I.D.E. (President I Didn't Elect) Obama's move from left to the political centrist/right face.
(Also enjoying that he is running from some of his campaign promises....insert belly laugh here..)
Let me see if I got this right. Rezko, Blagojevich, Wright, Obama all from the same political Chicago machine.....but there is no "association" with Obama (aka the Big O) and these gents from Crook county (kudos to Drudge on the nickname).
Judicalwatch.org is reporting that Hilliary "The Big C" Clinton is ineligible to Secretary of State due to Article 1 Section 6 of the U.S. Constitution.
From the rag New York Times:
"Senate Democrats were working Tuesday to put together legislation making it possible for Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to become secretary of state despite a constitutional clause that some critics argue should bar her from joining the cabinet...
Judicial Watch, a watchdog group that made a name for itself investigating the Clinton administration in the 1990s, raised the matter Tuesday with a statement asserting that Mrs. Clinton was ineligible to become secretary of state because of the so-called "Emoluments Clause" of the Constitution. By the end of the day, Senator Harry M. Reid of Nevada, the Democratic majority leader, was consulting with Republican colleagues in hopes of putting together a bill to address the issue."
Meanwhile on the P.I.D.E. Obama birth certificate legal wrestling match...the U.S. Supreme Court failed to look into the validity of this document. Another opportunity for the Supremes come up this Friday.
The Electoral College meets on Monday, December 15th to make this baby official.