Greetings and Salutations from Saint Hussein-Obama land...
I have been huddled in a dark corner of me basement waiting for the stimulus high, but have decided to sneak out and post on this blog on this special day.
Let's see...now that P.I.D.E. (President I Didn't Elect) Obama has urged, winked and prodded (and likely threatened with Vice P.I.D.E. Biden as his thug, imagine that)
governors to hurry the heck up and begin building bridges and schools to "revive the economy" and his presidency with new hope and euphoria, comes word that his administration is learning that spending $787 billion as quickly and transparently as promised is no easy task. (I know, a Democrat, and even those spend happy Republican's from the G.W. era, not knowing how to "spend.") States are wanting desperately to tap the huge keg of new money but are having trouble keeping track of the application deadlines and requirements in the 400-page stimulus bill. Ya see, (forgive the Irish brogue) Governors must sign pledges saying that they will spend the money appropriately. Trouble is, no one is the Big O's administration is still figuring out what the rules are. I'd suggest checking with Treasury Secretary (for now) Geithner, but he is still figuring how to log off Turbo Tax.
The threat hanging over all of this are two threats. The first was written into the law, saying that if states miss a deadline or don't spend the money fast enough, they lose the cash. P.I.D.E. Joe Biden delivered the second threat last week, warning that if states misspend the money, "don't look for any help from the federal government for a long while." Biden has had an interesting week.
Yet figuring out how to spend the money correctly isn't easy. Some examples of this b.s. are....
--The Housing and Urban Development Department is offering $1.5 billion for homeless prevention. Trouble is there's confusion over who qualifies.
--Governors are required to report how many jobs are being saved or created, but there has been no explanation of how to count them.
--The Energy Department is giving out money to make homes energy-efficient, and the work must begin soon, but there aren't enough trained workers for all the remodeling jobs.
I recall some of the other recent government f***ups..loans to help small businesses recover after the Sept. 11 terror attacks went instead to a radio station in South Dakota, a motorcycle shop in Utah and more than 100 Dunkin' Donuts and Subway franchises.
The Obama mafia is feverishly working to prevent such stories about the stimulus bill, hence having to get Biden and his thugs to rough up the governors. Many governors are making some tough calls, except Massachusetts Governor Patrick, who has not been in office long enough to know how to make a call.
Perhaps another stimulus bill can be filed to create a "Manager of Stimulus."