Yes it has been a while since I posted on this blog. I wanted to wait and let all the "bs" fall through the cracks. Now it seems to be re-bubbling up.
"The One" has promised free whipped cream in all hot chocolate from now but is now waffling...and on drilling for oil of all things.
The Dems calls an end to Congress for the Summer and the Repubs continue on with no lights, no camera. Will anything appear on YouTube?
I am delighted to see the back and forth..especially from Juan McAmnesty/aka John McCain. I hope it isn't too late. I think it Obama's election to lose and McCain's to help him lose it. (Although I am all set with seeing Britney and/or Paris Hilton is another ad. May I suggest Monika Lewinsky? Before anything I want to have a three way pro wrestling steel cage match with Obama, Rev. Jackson (aka father of a gal out of wedlock) and Rev. Sharpton (the felon).
I am sure the "n" words would fly.
How is it that President Bush has higher ratings than the Democratically controlled Congress?
How will Oliver Stone's movie about George W do weeks before the election?
Will McCain go to the podium in full military gear and repeat the same..."reporting for duty.."
We have not heard a peep from Hilliary. Or for Bill. The silence is interesting.
Now the Sunday talk shows flash up with short pieces on potential vice Presidential running mates. While I had once thought this was just a bread and butter type of thing, it is actually quite important, in wake of McCain stating that he would be in one term. My choice for McCain is Romney. He has the financing, would make a great President and can make more verbal fights to the Obama campaign. He's polished and has no issues in his family. But who knows....maybe Obama will choose Ray Nagin, the Mayor of New Orleans...What the heck happend to him anyway?
Lots happening and I am back in blog land....hope you enjoy. I shall try to blog at least once a week.
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