OK so it is Biden. I had thought after the harsh comments he made to "the Great One" in a few debates, that it would be Bayh. I would of loved that ticket... O-Bayh. (oh bye....ok forget it.)
Anyway, now let me share with you some of my favorite Biden quotes of late...
"I've had a great relationship [with Indian Americans]," Biden said. "In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking."
Biden calling Obama "articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy"
Biden dropped out of the Democratic Presidential race September 1988 after admitting that he had used speeches by Neil Kinnock, Britain's Labor Party leader and other politicians without attribution, and after published reports that he had plagiarized while in law school.
Biden, who met Mr. Kinnock at the House of Commons, said the Welsh politician ''did not give me any more ideas for speeches, nor I him.''
Biden, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was on a two-day visit of Britain as part of a tour to consult allies on the treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union banning intermediate-range nuclear missiles.
One of the most overlooked episodes during the 1987 collapse of Biden's campaign was footage taken by C-Span in which Biden, in response to a question about where he went to law school and what sort of grades he received, delivered this classic line: "I think I have a much higher IQ than you do."
During the 2006 confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, the Washington Post's Dana Milbank wrote this of his performance:
"Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr., in his first 12 minutes of questioning the nominee, managed to get off only one question. Instead, during his 30-minute round of questioning, Biden spoke about his own Irish American roots, his "Grandfather Finnegan," his son's application to Princeton (he attended the University of Pennsylvania instead, Biden said), a speech the senator gave on the Princeton campus, the fact that Biden is "not a Princeton fan," and his views on the eyeglasses of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)."
In one of the best moments in an unending series of Democratic debates, Biden was asked by moderator Brian Williams whether he possessed the "discipline" to be the leader of the free world. Biden's simple response -- "yes"
John McCain has now released a new commercial about good 'ole Joe Biden.
Please pay particular attention to the "Big O's" facial expressions when Biden makes his comments. Watch the Obama chin raise 4 degrees, ok maybe 10 degrees North to Heaven...
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