Well he has arisen in Denver of all places. Mile high city and mile high dreams. Last night we heard from the original master bs'er (William Jefferson "I am Impeached" Clinton), now we hear from his protegee. Barack Hussein Obama is truly a remarkable speaker. One of the best. He is a true master in delivering from the political pulpit. But when it comes to one on one debative formats, he tends to sputter and back peddle, as evidenced in the recent Saddleback Church appearances of both the "Big O" and "Juan McAmnesty" who showed a sharp witted performance. It seemed that McCain truly out did Obama at the Saddleback event.
Tonight Obama hit a line drive into the heavens at the stadium. Did the ball go over the wall for a homerun? I think a fan may of intercepted the ball from going out and maybe gave him a ground rule double. The Big O's spending plans will hit a brick wall due to the current budget deficits. The tax proposals he outlines would reduce the tax revenue by $2.95 trillion. (this figure provided by The Tax Policy Center) His windfall profits taxes on the big oil companies, which he proposes, is doomed to fail due to the timetable it would take to enact and the debate as to whether it would even get through Congress. If memory serves me, we actually had such a tax in the 80's, which resulted in the reliance of our use of foreign oil imports to increase. Lord Obama's $150 billion clean energy fund is dependent on uncertain financing. The Tax Policy Center has critiqued his health care plan as it leaves the number of estimated uninsured by 18 million in 2009, down from the current 45 million....but leaves millions still without health care. Better than nothing you say? Still not a universal plan per se. (Again based on data from the Tax Policy Center, a non-partisan group.) The "Big O" promises to end the Iraq war. Wonderful. But rushing the Iraqi forces before they are ready to assume a greater role of responsibility gives the insurgents in Iraq a clear timetable to sit out and wait to go back into Iraq full force.
The education plan sounded great too. (So does extra cheese on my cheeseburger.) There is only just so much money available with the budget he is proposing being onion skin thick. He claims to want to give the U.S. a fresh coat of makeup and repair our image overseas. But the U.S. has already changed many of their prior policies that has seen us chat with Iran and North Korea. Plus there is the Pakistan factor. With the prior President overthrown and forced to resign, the Big O would face certain resistance from the Pakistani authorities and likely cause us to pay a hefty price for violating their sovereignty. The Big O mentions curbing Russian aggression by using "tough, direct diplomacy." This does not offer any great chance of success. And as we have seen, all the promises by Russia...talk is cheap. Did the D&C convention accomplish anything? I think they did and had the party come a tad bit closer, even though both sides (political inlaws) don't love to hug each other in the receiving line. As for Obama's speech...while historic, fell flat in the sense that it promised and preached more than can be delivered, no matter how much you fill the preverbial offering plate. In Obama's case, the offering plate may of sprung a slight leak. Now we hear from that "gray haired dude..." Paris are you ready and on cue? The R&C Convention is next week, sponsored by Cialis and Budweiser.
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