The learning curve continues for our "Commander in Disbelief."
To deny that the Fort Hood incident is a terrorist act defies logic with given facts.
The murderer/terrorist emailed an al-Qaeda recruiter in Yemen 20 times. He yelled "Allah Akbar" (God is great) while gunning down innocent people. What more do you need? YouTube evidence?
I think you have to go back to last February when "The Big O" said "we have a battle or a war against some terrorist organizations. But that those organizations aren't representative of a broader Arab community [or] Muslim community.
"I believe we can win over moderate Muslims to recognize that destruction and nihilism ultimately leads to a dead end."
This also comes from the President who changed the term "war on terror" to "overseas contingency operations."
The head is so far up...the light of day may not be seen until 2012....
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