President Obama's policy on Iran (or lack thereof) is embarrassing. At a time when our Savior elect can show some stones, he back peddles. Mr. President/Savior, there is a good reason why the protesters have signs in English. Just two weeks ago, Obama had promised in Cairo, (during his Apology 2009 tour) in his address/sermon to the Muslim world, that there will be a "new beginning" in U.S.-Muslim relations. The Great One spoke of his alleged belief in democracy and of his "unyielding belief that all people yearn for certain things: the ability to speak your mind and have a say in how you are governed; confidence in the rule of law and the equal administration of justice; government that is transparent
and doesn't steal from the people; the freedom to live as you
choose." He added that they were just not American ideas but universal human rights, adding "and that is why we will support them everywhere." I guess this does not apply in Iran. Obama seems to think that the world is watching Iran and suggests that world opinion will turn against the government. He is either suffering from nicotine withdrawal or continuing to suffer from acute naivete. None of this matters to those in the Moslem world. History has proven that they could give a sh** what the non-Moslem world does.
Obama was brilliant in his campaign. But, fluttered in the breeze just as Kerry did on his wind surfboard back in 2004 when issues such as the Georgia conflict occurred with Russia. Many of his believers are even second guessing his spending on America's American Express Card without any definitive plans on how to pay off the balance.
Now Obama's verbal placating of guys like Kim Jong Il and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are taking the wind out his sails. (Sorry Mr. Kerry. Hey where have you been? How is Teresa, the ketchup queen?)
His policies sound great. One thing though, Barack. Do you ever read the policies through? The Big "O" literally subcontracted the stimulus plans to goons named Waxman and Markey. He did the same on his health plan to a fellow goon named Baucus.
He puts out pork barrel projects that have have burst the barrel. Even his carbon emissions bill (sorry Hillary your emissions still violate EPA standards when thinking back of when you found out Biden was the chosen one..) does not limit those fowl emissions from your political pals in those same industries.
So what if you Congressional Budget office came out with a figure of $1,600,000,000,000? Just charge it!
One of the first promises by the Big "O" was his plan to close
Guantanamo Bay. Not so fast. He now has to beg others to take these murderers (ok, alleged murderers and terrorists) to places like Bermuda.
Mr. Obama bent over and accepted the Arabs insistence that all of the problems in the Middle East could be solved with an Israeli/Palestinian settlement. Problem is Mr. President that this puts us in the position of having to pressure our friends in Israel to not expand any settlements and to back off their threats to Iran.
Finally, the stories of Obama wanting to do things "Chicago style politics" are beginning to give him cramps...political cramps. His thinking that there is always a sucker in the private sector that can be looted in behest to his political favs. (I.e. Chrysler and G.M. bailouts to the greedy United Auto Workers.)
His promise of a "transparent" Presidency sure fell off the band wagon. He kept attention anemic Republicans out of any serious policy negotiations. He scorned George W. in his speeches. (This past week GW bashed back, in third person, Texas style..)
While a majority of the mainstream media carry his political depends where ever he goes, he bitches and moans about his negative press on Fox News. (Funny how their ratings have increased since the Big "O" fumbled the oath.)
Now comes news that he fired Inspector Generals who exposed his political pals. Sounds like the same ole same ole Mr. Hussein-Obama.
He arose from Chicago, bumped his head on Air Force One and Marine One at the start of his Presidential rides, and excretes a glow like now one has seen in years. (Perhaps this is off the teleprompter reflection..?)
His poll numbers are down. But not that far down. Yet. Many libs are getting disappointed and frustrated. Their car payments are not being made. Yet. Where is their stimulus? Is it really just a prostate tickle? Can Mr. Obama adjust? Does he admit that he has to adjust his quasi policies?
Can he adapt to some harder realities and those events that are unexpected?
We have 1307 days until his term is up to find out.
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