Haven't posted in a while. I thought I would sit back and watch, listen and inhale all this stimulus. So, this huge pork filled bill passes...has to rush to pass....and where does President B. Hussen go? Takes the weekend off..takes the Mrs. out to dinner in Chi-town. OK. So let me see if I got this right. Pelosi has to have this done before she leaves on a junket. No one of the elected members reads this 1000+ package of b.s. Votes on it. (On purely non-partisan lines.) It passes after having to fly another Senator in (we won't even talk about the waste to the environment..sorry Al Gore) to get this vote a done deal. Incredible. We truly are the United Socialist States.
As of this writing, 1434 days, 3 hrs 33 minutes 20 seconds until this Presidency is over...
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