The Obama security team in place taking the Messiah to the gym....to work out the stresses ahead. (Many thanks again to Barney Frank.)
CNN reports:
"A new report from American University’s Center for the Study of the American Electorate concludes that voter turnout in Tuesday’s election was the same in percentage terms as it was four years ago — or at most has risen by less than 1 percent.With barely time to savour his triumph, Barack Obama has been confronted with various international crises to test his mettle. The report released Thursday estimates that between 126.5 and 128.5 million Americans cast ballots in the presidential election earlier this week. Those figures represent 60.7 percent or, at most, 61.7 percent of those eligible to vote in the country."
Meanwhile, the Messiah aka The One faces threats from Russia, Israel and Afghanistan. I hear that his election team's computers were hacked by a 'foreign entity' during the election.
Officials at the FBI and the White House believe the hackers sought to gather information on the evolution of both his and Senator John McCain's policy positions with the idea of using that information in negotiations with the next administration.
Obama technical experts later speculated the hackers were Russian or Chinese, and security ended the intrusion, Newsweek reports.
A few more things on the paper plate (the Big O is conservation green ya know) ..After getting his first national security briefing, which was likely preceded with the Rev. Wright offering a prayer and Tony Rezko placing a contribution in the offering tray...came from the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.
He threatened to base warheads along the Polish border if the Big O goes ahead with a Bush administration plan to create a missile shield in Eastern Europe. (I believe this will be eliminated and missiles replaced with super soakers, water rifles, or perhaps silly string boundaries so as to not offend anyone.)
Then Israel warned the Big O last night that his claim that he was ready to open talks with Iran could be seen in the Middle East as a sign of weakness.
Last but not least before meeting had to end due to the start of the Oprah show and the View, Afghanistan's president Hamid Karzai demanded that Obama 'put an end to civilian casualties' by changing U.S. military tactics to avoid airstrikes in the war on the Taliban. He spoke out after seven wedding party guests were accidentally killed by an American airstrike. In the future the Big O will likely promise to drop leaflets from airplanes telling the Taliban to please be nice.
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