Marty B is back......
The gloves are off........
but I prefer this wrestling match...

nice float....Obama taking a bite of white meat..aka Hilliary.....but he must worry about all the "trans" fats in her arse...

Happy 5th of May....the new pending Holiday in the U.S. of Mexico...

Meanwhile back on the campaign trail...
Chelsea packs 'em in....
So let me see if I got this straight.....Hilliary had travel gate, Vince Foster, a lying cheating husband, has always, up to the end of Bill's Presidency, lived in public housing (including the White House) until leaving the Presidency....then making millions off of speeches praising his infidelity......Obama has a pastor that is a racist......had a neighbor that was a terrorist...and has a wife that is recently proud to be an American....while both having silver spoons growing up deprived with Ivy League educations (a mind is a terrible thing to waste)......
McCain is a war hero, has a wife who has the largest Budweiser distributorship in the country, has a temper and made an appearance (along with the other two bozo's) on American Idol and the WWE Monday Night Raw show.....
Meanwhile Billy Carter....I mean Jimmy...(they all end in "y" and I get confused)
visits terrorists and encourages their forgiveness for mass murders....
ahhhhhhhh what a wonderful world!
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