After the big speech yesterday, I was waiting for the convicted felon Reverand Sharpton to make his appearance.

Or use this new image to reach out.....

Or this one.......

While there are many issues in this campaign, this image still says alot, regardless of the circumstances of which the picture was taken....

Where was Oprah? Isn't she from Chi-town too?
Perhaps this will be his new schtick, ala Borat. 
Or use this new image to reach out.....

Or this one.......

While there are many issues in this campaign, this image still says alot, regardless of the circumstances of which the picture was taken....
Thoughts and comments about the "big speech"....(and quoting from some columinsts)
orally seductive, disingenuous, condescending, full of hot air...
Obama may of explained why we should understand Pastor Wright, but he did not explain why he tolerated the hate, ignorance and bigotry for 20 years. I was waiting for his explanation of why he could tolerate such Pastor Wright sayings, such as "the U.S. of KKK", "God Damn America" and how Jews set the stage for 9/11.
Let's face it. Pastor Wright spewed hatred. The Obama candidate who was to transcend race has become the candidate about race. And he was still listening to the preachings for 20 years.
What about Obama's daughters? What impressions are they learning from such vile?
And now the Hilliary argument about how much do we really know about this man comes to the surface again. Go figure.
1 comment:
You find the BEST pictures! Although, I have to say I kinda thought his speech was pretty good. First, I thought it was smart of him not to totally throw the pastor under the bus because that would have looked waaaaay too convenient. But then I liked how he attacked the elephant in the room--namely, that lots of blacks harbor angry feelings about whites but don't necessarily voice their feelings in "polite company"--and THAT WHITES FEEL THE SAME WAY. I mean, we all run around acting politically correct while ignoring that even in 2008 and even with all the progress over the last decades, whites and blacks STILL feel a helluva lot of animosity toward each other. I don't think it's such a bad idea to lay the notion on the table and start talking about it. Now, does this make Obama qualified to lead the free world?? That's a whole other issue!
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