Thursday, March 27, 2008

Obama and the Governor

Meet Deval Patrick (on the left) Governor of Massachusetts. (aka Liberal Land, Kennedy Country, etc.)
To his right, Mr. Obama. (Barack Hussein)
Seems last month Mr. O "borrowed" lots of Mr. P's former campaign speeches.
Mr. P has become a dismal failure after promising "change" in Massachusetts. Sound familiar? Seems Mr. P did not do his homework in dealing with old school Massachusetts politics. Remember this was the home of former House Speaker Tip O'Neil. The New York Times (aka liberal rag and sister of the Boston Globe-Democrat, borrowing a line from Michael Graham, Boston talk show host) has a wonderful piece in today's edition. Is this, perhaps, what the future would/could be for a President O?
Read on and you decide

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

just plain ole "white" grandparents

So let me see if I get this straight...The Gov of NY resigns over hiring a hooker. The Lt.Gov takes his place and admits to drug use and infidelity (and no not the stereo kind) and the Big O claims Grandma is just another white lady.....
Boy we sure don't live in a Dick Van Dyke world...what would Laura Petrie do?

what a week....

What a week. First we read the ole Hill was shot at. Then we find out she was human and forgot.
Now we find out that good ole Juan McCain covered Hill in row 23 of her plane while being shot at, allegedly. When asked for a comment....McCain posed for this pic...

The fur was and is still flying between the two Dems.....

Ahhhhh the good ole days...when peace and love conceived Chelsea....

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Anti Obama Pastor Manning....

Introducing the anti-Obama Pastor Manning......says he was "born trash"..." a long legged freak" an "emissary of the devil"... click the YouTube link to hear the entire 9 minute 51 second sermon....

Obama time............

I have been asking and finally found his resume.
After the big speech yesterday, I was waiting for the convicted felon Reverand Sharpton to make his appearance.

Where was Oprah? Isn't she from Chi-town too?
Thought she'd at least come out and offer some support.
Perhaps this will be his new schtick, ala Borat.

Or use this new image to reach out.....

Or this one.......

While there are many issues in this campaign, this image still says alot, regardless of the circumstances of which the picture was taken....

Thoughts and comments about the "big speech"....(and quoting from some columinsts)
orally seductive, disingenuous, condescending, full of hot air...
Obama may of explained why we should understand Pastor Wright, but he did not explain why he tolerated the hate, ignorance and bigotry for 20 years. I was waiting for his explanation of why he could tolerate such Pastor Wright sayings, such as "the U.S. of KKK", "God Damn America" and how Jews set the stage for 9/11.
Let's face it. Pastor Wright spewed hatred. The Obama candidate who was to transcend race has become the candidate about race. And he was still listening to the preachings for 20 years.
What about Obama's daughters? What impressions are they learning from such vile?
And now the Hilliary argument about how much do we really know about this man comes to the surface again. Go figure.

Today is Hilliary's day.....

After B. Hussein Obama had his moment of glory yesterday, today we introduce you to Hill's new campaign promo....(courtesy of TMZ)"Dancing to the Primary....."

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Top of the gas tank to ya....
Happy St. Patrick's Day too!
As we have to conserve a pint or two of brew to make up the difference to gas up, lets take a moment to think this through. Gasoline is expected to top $3.50 or more a gallon by Memorial Day. The oil companies take in record profits. Dems want to take away their tax breaks. Oil CEO's smirk and say, so what...we'll just raise the price and still make the same profits. Meanwhile, we have ample supplies off the Florida coast and in Alaska. We have not built a refinery since Hilliary Clinton wore Elton John glasses. We have not expanded use of other resources..namely wind, solar and the gasses produced by Hilliary's ample arse. What is the solution? Barak Hussein Obama to the rescue with another great answer.........conservation. By the way, hey Hill...where are your tax returns?
Time for another pint.........

The Boston Globe and a double standard? Nah..

I read quite an interesting "Letter to the Editor" of the Boston Globe, today from an old friend. Great job Chris. Worth a post on the blog.

the U.S. of KKK

I had mentioned the other day how Barack Hussein Obama's spiritual guide had made some controversial remarks (to say the least) over the past few years. It made page 10 or 20 of some papers. Now that we have had it headlined over these past fews days it continues to create quite a stir. If you have somehow not been exposed to the good Reverand, I include some of his clips below. Click on the link. There are many more links besides this one YouTube clip.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

meanwhile on the Spitzer front

Ashley has had her song downloaded, as of this writing, well over 300,000 times. At 68 cents a download, you do the math. Plus, I hear Penthouse has offered her $1Million to pose.
Some may say, like the latest NY Post headline, that this is "Whore-able." But, I suspect things will get far more interesting when she testitifes before a Grand Jury.
Meanwhile, to read more, go to this site:

the day Barack stood still....

Boy oh boy...Mr. Obama delayed his response to the news of his beloved Pastor and did the media have a field day with him! I am sure the Sunday talk shows will have quite a time playing verbal tennis over this one. Meanwhile, as the Democrats continue their feud over delegates, superdelegates and "re-do" elections, Hilliary is silent. I am sure the Clinton camp is enjoying their little "Pastor reprieve" before showing up in the camera lens (wide angle that is) in the coming days. Will there be more debates? Will this be settled in a ring on American Gladiators? Will they meet at Wrestlemania? Stay tuned...................

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Geraldine Ferraro does remember the good ole
days...1984....running with Walter who?

Now she gets herself in a bit of political hot water. From a political standpoint she made a major boo-boo. But when re-reading what she actually said (yes the full quote) her quotes do have some merit.
The only thing not being said is that she is not a victim for being a woman and being white. Unfortunately, while working for Hill....she has given the Big O a gift. Now more details are emerging about the Big O's church Pastor Wright. Both ABC and FOX have circled the wagons. Ohhhhhhhhbama.

meet the infamous Kristen....

Here is her MySpace page:
Kristen, aka Ashley will surely be hiring some legal counsel to watch the $$ come in for her life story, (read her MySpace page for some background into her family life..)
and perhaps a Playboy shoot. Hey, she can hire Eliot. What a role reversal that would be!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

meet Miss X

No she is not "the one".. from D.C. She is one of Eliot's prior pals.

best buds...

At one time they were best political buds. Now they can share whore stories. At least Bill had the state troopers bring 'em to him. Poor Eliot used Amtrack.

what it would take....

This 72.22 carat flawlesss diamond being auctioned off at Sotherby's in Hong Kong is going to fetch $13Million. This should help Mrs. Spitzer in her taking ole Eliot back. After all, after spending a reported $80,000 on a flawless hooker, what is $13Million for a power couple?

Hilliary loses....

Poor Hill is showing the wear and tear...of either losing to Obama last night or re-living memories of ole Bill and his escapades.....or all of the above.
All I have to say is "makeup"...stat...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

what really happened......

Here's what really happened....
Spitzer.."Order what?"

Call and order Number 9 special...

what do you get from a guy named Elliot

They were the perfect power couple.
This is why the Post editors get the big bucks. Great headlines.

And still in love......

They were the perfect power couple too.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Waterboarding versus Al Qaeda torture

Thought I would clarify what I consider to be torture and what I consider to be rougher interrogation tactics....To the right is a demonstration of waterboarding from the Vietnam conflict.

What do you think?

Hilliary's new tour....

New Obama dirt....ok organically filtered crap

Meet former Barack Hussein Obama aide Samantha Power. Sam had to resign last week after calling the Big C (aka Hilliary) a "monster", off the record. She also said that the Big O's Iraq withdrawal plan was a best case scenario rather than the firm commitments he seems to be making in his speeches/tirades.
It is funny....ole Bill Clinton had a similar "withdrawal" plan, though under different circumstances. More on the article here:

The Obama girl is back with her fantasy. Do you think she is proud of America too?

Meanwhile the Hilliary campaign will be issuing this new poster. Notice who has
the cigar now.....

The U.S. and Iraq are scheduled to begin talks in Baghdad today on a blueprint for a long term relationship to define the legal basis for a U.S. Troop presence. Since any deal will not require Congresssional approval some are concerned that this might commit the U.S. to troop levels. But the Pentagon folks promise to keep Congress updated. Sure they will.

another reason to vote for McCain

The Anheuser-Busch distribution plant in Phoenix in the McCain family. Blonde bombshell wife Cindy is chairwoman of the board and son Andrew is CFO.
Read more below:

Thursday, March 06, 2008

she found Bill.......

with "exclusive" photos in the NY Post

they do look like such a fun loving couple. Where do you think ole Bill was on victory night?

Why is Hill wearing those dark shades? Perhaps trying to hide bags under her eyes while searching for Bill the other night? Or maybe she is having a secret meeting with Karl Rove?
Her black tent does seem to be bulging in the tummy area. Don't suppose that is a baby bump? Or a cheeseburger bump?
Look at that hand holding?
Think superglue was used? Look at the top pic? Grip almost lost! Then again "Hill" does need more torque to move that train...

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

the rear view....

So where's Bill? We ponder this question as she gets whispered that the Godiva buffet is now open....

We can now confirm that the rear of Hillary is expanding. Note the bottom of her red mini tent. I see threads crying in pain....

the red telephone

Boston Herald and Boston talk show host Howie Carr had some amusing comments in regards to that call at 3am on the "red phone" from Hilliary's campaign ad. Carr asks who could that be on that red phone? Monica? Paula Jones? Kathleen Wiley?
As far as the Big O goes.....he is darn lucky the Rezko trial is in Federal court, sans no television coverage.

The Comeback

Aren't they a cute couple? Look at those smirks! This reminds me of those wonderful moments in the Bill Clinton White House just after the "Monica-gate" episode. The hand holding from 3 feet away. I think its love, don't you?

So what do you think is being whispered? "The Bitch Won?" Think she is still proud of her country? Think he is wondering if he might need to get a real job? Think he just needed a hug? Maybe a cookie?