Friday, February 29, 2008

Obama to the rescue....

Under the Big O's plan....don't worry....Kung Fu lessons...FREE!
Yes no problem. You even get a free order of Kung Pow chicken.....

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

post debate

"Can I get a large fry with that?"..........

Well here we are. The latest debate between the "Big O" and the "Big C" is over. The kiss-kiss nudge-nudge is over. I was very disappointed. No brass nuckles. No verbal stun guns used.
Sorry Hill. It is over. You had a chance to break Oback. No luck. No dice. So it is time to pack your bags, empty all the empty coffee cups and danish wrappers from under your car seat, tuck tail under that large cabbose and as used to be said with Hunkley and Brinkley days..."Good night Chet.."
Hey, I hear there is a Jenny Craig spokesperson opening! Perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Great American Misery Tour....

A few thoughts while watching Obama and Hilliary tour the primary states on their "Great American Misery Tour" (using a line from Jerry Doyle).....
So we have this touching, warm, kind debate between The Big O, (aka B. H. Obama) and the Big C (aka Hillary Rotten Clinton (C) Communist-Socialist for both of 'em)....Now the Big O should be ashamed of himself for his hypocrisy, negative campaigning and all. Poor Hilliary. What is she to do? Be mean? Be kind? How about be herself? Not gonna happen. She will likely now use the image (yes another one) of being the underdog and fight back like a rabid cheated loser wife. (Wait a minute, that is being herself)

Hey...Ralph Nadar just announced he is running for President. So now there goes 1-3% of the votes, and likely those votes going to him from the Dems...

So the New York Times Ombudsman comes out yesterday critical of the papers allegations. Well since no proof was provided, the allegations were not clear, now there is a cover up of the innuendo. I have not heard one positive spin on this report from any relevant journalism folk.
I am sure we will see/hear more on this one.....

So Bill O'Reilly uses the word "lynching." For someone who runs such a scripted show boy did he insert his (fill in body part) in his (fill in body part). The liberal media is having a field day on this one, and in some ways are justified. Very poor choice of words.

But when Tom Friedman on Air America called Osama Obama the other day.....we see little mention of that did Mess NBC (MSNBC) and in prior weeks the Communist News Network (CNN).

So Fidel doesn't want to run in Cuba. His bro is gonna run the isle? Lots of speculation and some far fetched. I don't think we will see anything change until Fidel is 6 feet under....and the bro comes out as a new character in The Birdcage...

Did I read the Oscar's are on tonight? Does anyone care? Low ratings are expected. I wish Jon Stewart much luck. I think there are still alot of harsh feelings from the writer's strike.

After reading Hilliary's extensive Las Vegas campaign expenses it is no wonder we don't get any full body views/pics. (luxury rooms, huge Dunkin Donuts bills, etc.) Word has it that with High Def TV she still don't fit the screen. They may try Google maps......

Ta ta for now....

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Obama blabber........

I am back. After watching the major cable news channels interrupt Hilliary and go right into Obama's blabber and sermon for what seemed like an hour, I decided to start up the ole blog again.
It was an amusing day. After hearing his wife state she is, for the first time proud to be an American for the first time in her adult life. I am glad. After all, she can be "proud" as the current "system" gave her the opportunities she now has. I am glad she chose to be "proud" now before all this alleged "change" happens. Then we see MSNBC (otherwise known as "mess NBC" in some circles) use a Bin Laden picture behind an Obama story. This happened to CNN (otherwise formerly known as the Clinton News Network and now the Communist News Network) too. Mr. Obama, (now known as the "Big O" as some who witness his sermons in person actually faint like in some spiritual evangelist event) has promised so much I cannot possibly include everything here.
Is he just selling hope and people are so sick and tired of things that it sounds good? Is it a cult?
I mean even Chris Matthews of Mess NBC even admitted to feeling "this thrill going up my leg."
It could of been the Viagra he took prior to airtime to feel the full Obama effect or a slight Depends leak. Some people compare the Big O to former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. The Big O has now promised so much what more can be said? I think if he is elected El Presidente he is in for a rude awakening. Even Washington D.C. lobbyists are smirking in the shadows. Even with new restrictions on their dealings with lawmakers, they have found many new and creative ways to get their attention through fundraiser's, charitable events and so-called industry sponsored seminars. This is a $20 Billion a year gig and do you really think The Big O can stop this freight train? Oh, and one more thing. I don't seem to read much about a permanent long term agreement with the government of Iraq on what role the U.S. military will play. But this agreement, according to Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, will not "contain a commitment to defend Iraq." The Good Ole U.S. of A currently has seven similar treaties or commitments, starting with the NATO Treaty of 1949. Senator Ted Kennedy wrote a piece in the liberal sister of the NY Times, the Boston Globe, venting about this agreement.
Looks like the Big O has now won his 9th straight primary. Hilliary has rushed back into makeup to not seem googie eyed. Her smile is so fake the cracks come through the make up.
The Big O is so full of himself I think I just heard him promise affordable college education along with coupons to Taco Bell for all college students. This is such a fun time.
As far as McCain goes, I would love to hear him yell. Rumor has it he does have a temper and has let the "f" words fly. Now that would spice up the debate. Can you the debate..the big O versus McClinton (I mean McCain...) ..Mr. Obama, would you kindly shut the f*** up. Maybe they will have to have the debates on 20 second this blog.