Friday, October 31, 2008

Monday night fights.....

From my friend Chris....a true conservative...

This video is both awesome and infuriating! I love Megyn Kelly and want to beat the shit out of the snotty, snide runt of of a man called Bill Burton. He is typical of the elites that are about to take over our country. He never answers the question and just blames Fox News for bringing it up. How dare they question the Chosen One!!! We're pretty f(screwed)'d next year. Come April 15th, we'll all be screaming BOHICA! Bend Over Here It Comes Again! There's one simple question that the Obama-iites can't and will never answer truthfully. How do you give a tax cut to 95% of the people when more than a third of them pay no income taxes???? The answer - You Can't! Instead, it's called a transfer of wealth and it's right out of Marx's manifesto: "From each, according to his ability and to each, according to his need."
Please watch this video!
Monday Night Fights: FNC's Megyn Kelly vs. Obama's Bill Burton |

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