Monday, March 10, 2008

New Obama dirt....ok organically filtered crap

Meet former Barack Hussein Obama aide Samantha Power. Sam had to resign last week after calling the Big C (aka Hilliary) a "monster", off the record. She also said that the Big O's Iraq withdrawal plan was a best case scenario rather than the firm commitments he seems to be making in his speeches/tirades.
It is funny....ole Bill Clinton had a similar "withdrawal" plan, though under different circumstances. More on the article here:

The Obama girl is back with her fantasy. Do you think she is proud of America too?

Meanwhile the Hilliary campaign will be issuing this new poster. Notice who has
the cigar now.....

The U.S. and Iraq are scheduled to begin talks in Baghdad today on a blueprint for a long term relationship to define the legal basis for a U.S. Troop presence. Since any deal will not require Congresssional approval some are concerned that this might commit the U.S. to troop levels. But the Pentagon folks promise to keep Congress updated. Sure they will.

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